Friday, December 19, 2014

How He Proposed

Since I know you all want to know how Jacques proposed, and I don't have time to sit down with you all individually...I figured I would just write it all here :)

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Making It Out Alive

Written: 5/8/14

Making it out Alive

Making it out alive poem
Image courtesy of fotographic1980 and

I'm tired of restless hunger
I'm tired of sleepless nights
I'm tired of always fighting and it never being right

Monday, April 7, 2014

Sin, Salvation and Losing an Arm

Sinning is like chopping off your arm.

Emergency Room

How? I'm glad you asked...

Sinning is like chopping off your arm because it CAN and WILL kill you, if left untreated...


Friday, December 6, 2013

When a Broken Heart is a Memory

I wrote this poem on February 2, 2011.

When a Broken Heart is a Memory

Back in October
I thought life was over
For he had me fooled
And broke my heart

Then as time went on
I felt love so strong
It could only come
From my Father above

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Define Beauty...

I wrote this February 22, 2010. I was in 9th grade.

Define Beauty...

What is it? A feeling? A way of being? A look? A glance? 

A word?

Can someone be a beauty? Does it define someone?

The Kiss

I wrote this poem on July 22, 2008. It was the summer before my 8th grade year.

The Kiss

He waits for the moment they soon will be one
He has dreamed of this day ever since he was young

When the organ starts playing
The people arise
They all turn around
And he follows their eyes

There she is! 
As beautiful as she could be
She is graceful
Like a perfect harmony

Love: The Road Less Taken

This is poem I wrote on September 12, 2007. I was in 7th grade.

Love: The Road Less Taken

Some choose the byways
Some choose the highways
But I choose the road less taken

Some drive far
In their big, speedy car
But I drive slow
On the road less taken

Highways are dangerous
Byways are daring
But the road less taken is neither