Let me start off by saying...I am not married.
I am in a very committed relationship, but...no...I'm not perfect at that either. No one is. I will be the first to admit that it is hard to think of the general "how-to's" of being a Proverbs 31 woman while in the middle of a heated debate about something important (or "important"). In that moment, you aren't worried about respect and honor, you're worried about getting your point across and selfishly ensuring that your side is heard over the other.
This may upset some people, but I think that when you date someone, it should be with the goal of marriage. In other words, dating is practicing marriage (to a point). Here is where you get to test out the waters and see if you could really spend the rest of your life with this person. This is also where you get to practice being a Proverbs 31 girlfriend...so you can eventually become a Proverbs 31 wife.
Proverbs 31: 10 -
Who can find a capable wife? She is far more precious than jewels.
I have heard it said more times than I can count that "marriage won't change a person...it will only bring out who they really are". Ladies, do your best to make sure that who you really are is a "capable wife". It goes on to describe what exactly that entitles throughout the chapter, but the basics are pretty typical. Strive to be gentle, selfless, hard-working and confident. Someone who can be easily bragged about because of her agape-love, integrity and character...and not because of her clothes, beauty, friends or amount of people she's slept with.
God never said following Him would be easy, He only said it would be worth it.
Making your Purpose chapter 31 will be worth it.
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