Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Define Beauty...

I wrote this February 22, 2010. I was in 9th grade.

Define Beauty...

What is it? A feeling? A way of being? A look? A glance? 

A word?

Can someone be a beauty? Does it define someone?


Does it define something? Is it even an adjective at all?

I would say that it is more of a state of being.


One can only LIVE beauty. It is coveted by many, only achieved by few. Those few being examples to the striving:


These women LIVED "beauty"...they define it. 

When worry stained their cheeks, they went to God first and foremost. 
This is true beauty. 
This is living!

This is what many secretly yearn for, but only few truly achieve.

God is beauty's master 

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