Friday, December 6, 2013

When a Broken Heart is a Memory

I wrote this poem on February 2, 2011.

When a Broken Heart is a Memory

Back in October
I thought life was over
For he had me fooled
And broke my heart

Then as time went on
I felt love so strong
It could only come
From my Father above

He told me He loved me
And said not to worry
For He kept His promises
Even today

So I sat there and waited
And waited and waited
As I watched my God
Put Love on display

I saw how He worked
And answered my prayers
So slowly but surely
The pain would subside

Then on those days
When it came back in waves
I could always look back
And see God by my side

He worked like a storm
Beautiful in form
Mighty and tender
Was his grip on my heart

As He brought you back in
I saw once again
How Love fights my battles
And I can always trust Him

His love is so strong
It helps me carry on
Through the joy and sadness
This life tends to bring

Now that I know
He is the only way to go
I choose to make Him
My God and my King

I am empty no more
Praise God for my heart is restored
That broken heart
Is but a memory

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